Thursday, October 2, 2008

"How Long Have I Been At This? 5 Weeks?"

Well, its over. The families are taking the stage. Even Bristol. Or is that Willow? So now comes the analysis. Some will say Sarah stole their hearts tonight...

...I'll just add that she is probably eating them voraciously backstage.

And wiping her mouth with the Constitution.

Xtina won Palin Bingo tonight. She had the following:
National Guard
Heart land

She also had:
National Guard
Air Space (Center square pic of Palin)
Job Creation
Tax Belief

I had:
Special Needs
Air Space
Hockey Mom

The girls did not get bingos although they did check out to do homework, and for being frustrated that none of the cards had a spot for "darn right" and "heck yeah."

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