Thursday, October 16, 2008

When You Need Some Wonder

One of the highlights of my week is looking at AP's Week In Photos. It is never less than fascinating, often breathtaking, and always fills me with wonder.

The photos typically featured include images of global life; the celebrations, the strife, and the beautifully mundane.

More in my series: The Last 100 Days, a celebration of reasons to herald the end of the Bush Presidency.

#96. Bush's Other War, Pt. 1. The other war launched by W has been on an enemy that the world had not realized was terrorizing its prosperity since, oh, the 1600's. Science is dangerous to Bush and the conservatives. Empirical proof means no longer can we make all of our decisions based on religion; it means progress may come in ways that may expect us to think and behave differently, math may get in the way of voodoo economics, and doggone it, the excesses of man may need to be put in check lest we decide winter is overrated.

Take Georgie Deutsch. He was 24. He finagled his way into getting a job at NASA, as a writer and editor in NASA's public affairs office; by working on W’s ’04 campaign and then getting appointed by 43 to his post. Never mind he lied on his resume.

Once he got his job he carried out his simple mission. He had web designers add the word “theory” after any mention of the Big Bang, stating it was opinion and had not been proven. He stated NASA should not “make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator.” He also felt his boss, the SCIENTIST in charge of NASA’s SCIENCE division was exaggerating global climate change.

Deutsch resigned once they found out the Texas A&M grad hadn’t actually graduated. I guess W doesn’t much fancy all that book learnin’ anyhows. Hook ‘em horns, indeed.

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